jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Anexos 4, 5 y 6 del libro: Humanidad Resurrecta del 3000 d.C. Catapulta al Inicio del Tercer Milenio. Puntos de Quiebre en los Siguientes 980 Años.

Anexo 4: Autores de Obras Sagradas y Literarias, que Implicita o Explíctamente Describen Escenarios Deseables del Futuro de la Humanidad

-------: BHAGAVAD GITA, (libro sagrado de los hindues. Conchita tiene síntesis del mismo, comprado a grupo Krisna.)
-----: Corán (Libro sagrado de los musulmanes),
Raynaud de la Ferrière, Serge: Los Propósitos Psicológicos.
Ferriz Olivares, David: El Retiro del Maestre, Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere.
-----: Sagrada Biblia Católica.
--El Torá: Libro Sagrado Judío
----Clement, Catherine: El viaje de Teo Edit. siruela. (Novela de casi 600 pags)
--------: “Can We Imagine the Far Future--Year 3000?”, Show 201 Transcript. Acceso el 19 de agosto del 2013, 14:22 hora de Chetumal, a
Mcknight, Rosalind A. :“Out-of-Body Journey to the Year 3000”, Cosmic Journeys. http://www.luisprada.com/protected/out-of-body_journey_to_the_year_3000.htm
Jenkins, John Major:
Tyberon, James:
Hancock, Graham:
Van Auken, John:
Childress, David Hatcher
Castañeda, Jorge: “Las Enseñanzas de Don Juan”.
Collins, Suzanne: The Hunger Games -disambiguation- (The Hunger Games trilogy). Scholastic Ed. 2008. Disponible impresa en papel, asi como en audiolibro y en videolibro. Traducida a 26 idiomas, con derechos de publicacion en 28 territorios. Venta de 800,000 ejemplares, para febrero del 2010. También hay pelicula sobre el libro. En el blog, los “fans” se autoclasifican como tributos, ciudadanos y capitolios. http://www.blogjuegosdelhambre.com/
Collins, Suzanne: Catching Fire (The Hunger Games trilogy) . Scholastic Ed. 2009.
Collins, Suzanne: Mockingjay (The Hunger Games trilogy). Scholastic Ed. 2010.
Meyer, Stephanie: The Host. 2008. La primer tirada fue de 750,000 ejemplares. Traducida a 15 idiomas. Tambien hay película.
Fortuny, Franz: 10,000 años de Crueldad. Fortuny Ed. 2012. México. Presentacion por el autor en http://www.youtubecom/watch?v=T9GvRflw3Oo
Dashner, James: The Maze Runner. Delacorte Press (an imprint of Random House). Octubre del 2009.
Dashner, James: The Scorch Trials. Delacorte Press (an imprint of Random House). 5 de octubre del 2010.
Dashner, James: The Death Cure. Random House Children's Books. 11 de octubre del 2011.
Dashner, James: The Kill Order. Delacorte Press (an imprint of Random House). Agosto del 2012.
Mohammed Dib: Qui se souvient de la mer ("Who Remembers the Sea?").1962. EL AUTOR ES ALGERIANO.
Masimba Musodza: MunaHacha Maive Nei? ta. (El autor es de Zimbaua y su obra es la primer novela escrita en la lengua Shona).
Peter Jackson: District 9. Película del 2009, producida en Surafrica.
Octavia Butler: Kindred, African American author, contributes to the genre of African
Octavia Butler: Lilith's Brood. African American author, contributes to the genre of African
Octavia Butler: Parable. African American author, contributes to the genre of African
Kylas Chundar Dutt: “A Journal of Forty-Eight Hours in the Year 1945”, Calcutta Literary Gazette. 6 de junio de 1945. 6 de junio de 1835.
Amitav Ghosh: The Calcutta Chromosome. India.
Salman Rushdie's Grimus and Boman Desai: The Memory of Elephants. India.
Liu Cixin: Three Body. China.
Jules Vernes: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Francia.
Jules Vernes: Journey to the Center of the Earth. Francia.
Jules Vernes: From the Earth to the Moon. Francia.
George Melies: Voyage to the Moon. 1902. Francia.
Pierre Boulle: Planet of the Apes. Francia.
Andreas Eschbach: The Carpet Makers. República Democrática de Alemania.
Andreas Eschbach: Eine Billion Dollar. Republica Democrática de Alemania.
Frank Schätzing: The Swarm.
Stanislaw Lem: Solaris. Polonia.
Stanislaw Lem:: Ljon Tichy. Polonia.
Stanislaw Lem: Pirx the Pilot. Polonia.
Karel Čapek : R.U.R. Obra de Teatro. Checoslovaquia. 1920. (Se le atribuye haber creado el èrmino "robot", que utiliza en esta obra).
Karel Čapek: War with the Newts. Checoslovaquia. 1922.
Karel Čapek: The Absolute at Large. Checoslovaquia. 1925.
Augusto Emílio Zaluar: O Doutor Benignus. Brasil. 1875.
Eduardo Holmberg: El Maravilloso Viaje del Sr. Nic-Nac. Argentina. 1975
Francisco Calcagno: Historia de un Muerto. Cuba 1875.
Raymond Trousson: Historia de la literatura utópica, de, Editorial Península, 1995.
.- Platón
* La República:
* Las Leyes.
*Timeo: relato dialogado donde se expone por vez primera el mito de la Atlántida.
* Critias.
.- Teopompo de Quios, 380 a. C. Creador de la utopía social. Inventor de Eusebés, ciudad de la paz y de Májinos, ciudad de los guerreros.
.- Hecateo de Abdera. 323 a. C. Inventó “la isla de los Hiperbóreos”, aunque solo se sabe de él por lo que cuenta Diodoro de Sicilia.
.- Yámbulo: La República del Sol", la más completa descripción de una sociedad comunista dejada por la Antigüedad.
.- Leon Battista Alberti. De re aedificatoria. 1452
Averlino, el Filarete, Trattato 1464. Su ciudad Sforcinda, era un homenaje al duque Galeazzo Sforza.
.- Tomás Moro. De optimo reipublicae statu deque nova insula Utopía, 1524
.- Johann Eberlin Wolfaria, 1525
.- Rabelais, Gargantúa, 1534, donde se encuentra “la abadía de Thelema”, en la que se inspiró Aleister Crowley para fundar en el siglo XIX una nueva religión.
.-Antón Francesco Doni, Il mondo de Pazzi: El mundo de los locos, 1574
.- Francesco Patrizi da Cherso Citta Felice, 1553
.- Ludovico Agostini, República immaginarie,La república imaginaria. 1591
.- Ludovico Zuccolo, República di Evandria, 1625
.- Kaspar Stiblin: Pequeño comentario sobre la República de los buenos espíritus, 1555.
.-Johann Valentin Andreae, Republicae christiano politanae descriptio, 1620
.- Robert Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy: Anatomía de la melancholia, 1621
.-Tommaso Campanella: Citta del Sole, 1602
.- Francis Bacon, New Atlantis, 1621, donde habla de su “ciudad Bensalem”
.-IDMGT (anónimo) Historia del grande y admirable reino de Antangil, 1616
.-Samuel Hartlib: Descomposición del famoso reino de Macaria, 1641
.-Samuel Gott: Nova Solyma, 1648
.-James Harrington, Mancomunidad de Oceana, 1656
.-Francis Godwin, El hombre en la luna, 1628
.-Cyrano: Historia cómica de los Estados e Imperios de la Luna, 1657
.-Historia cómica de los Estados e Imperios del Sol, 1662
.-Margaret Cavendish: El mundo en llamas, 1668. Primera utopía escrita por una mujer, y cuyo protagonista es también una mujer.
.- Joshma Burnes, Gerania, 1675
.- Fénelon: Las aventuras de Telémaco, 1699. Inventa “reyno de Salente”.
.- Pierre de Lesconvel: Relación del viaje del Príncipe Montberand a la Isla de Maudely, 1703
.- Gabriel de Foigny: Las aventuras de Jacques Sadeur en el viaje de la Tierra Austral, 1676
.- Denis Veiras: historia de los sevaritas, 1675
.- Fontenelle: República de los filósofos o Historia de los ajaoyanos, 1768. Es la primera utopía que prescinde claramente de la religión.
.- Claude Gilbert: Historia de Calejara, 1700
.- Simon Tyssot de Patot: Viajes y aventuras de Jacques Masse, 1717
.- Vida, aventuras y viaje a Groenlandia del franciscano Pierre de Mésange, 1720
.- Louis Holberg: Viaje subterráneo de Nicolás Klimins, 1741
.- Casanova: iI cosámeron, 1788
.- Marqués de Lassay: Relación del reino de los felicianos, 1738
.- Varennes de Mondasse: Descubrimiento del imperio de Cantahar, 1730
.- Rustaing de Saint Jory: Las mujeres militares, 1735
.- Estanislao Leczynski Conversaciones de un europeo con un isleño del Reino de Dumocala, 1752.
.- Jean Terrasson Séthos, 1731
.- M. de Listonai: El viajero filósofo en un país desconocido para los habitantes de la Tierra, 1761
.- Albrecht von Haller Usong, 1771
.- Montesquieu Cartas persas –cartas XI-XIV- Historia de los Troglotidas, 1721
.- Diderot Las joyas indiscretas, 1748
.- Segunda conversación sobre el Hijo Natural, 1757
.- Suplemento al viaje de Bougainville, 1772
.- Anónimo Descubrimiento en los mares del sur, 1793
.- Simon Berington Memorias del señor Laurentio de Lucca, 1735
.- Anónimo Viaje al centro de la Tierra, 1755
.- Mosneron El vallecito aéreo, 1810
.- Morelly El naufragio de las islas flotantes o Basiliada del célebre Pilpas, 1759
.- Tiphaigne de la Roche Historia de los galigenos o Memorias de Duncam, 1765
.- Dom Deschamps: Sistema verdadero o la clave del enigma metafísico y moral
.- Restif de la Bretonne Ideas singulares, 1789
.- El pornógrafo, 1769
.- Los ginógrafos, 1777
.- El andrógrafo, 1782
.- El tesmógrafo, 1789
.- Estatuto del burgo de Oudun, 1776
.- Anónimo Viaje de Robertson a las tierras australes, 1766
.- Guillaume Grivel La isla desconocida o Memorias del caballero des Gastines, 1787
.- Mercier de la Riviere La nación feliz o gobierno de los felicianos, 1792.(utopía en futuro)
.- Joseph Saige Viaje a la Nueva Filadelfia, 1803
.- Jean Baptiste Say Olbie, 1800 Curso completo de economía política práctica, 1829
.- Marqués de Sade Aline y Valcour, 1788
.- La filosofía en el tocador, 1795
.- Bernard de Mandeville Fábula de las abejas, 1670-1733
.- Prévost Cleveland, 1731
.- Swift Viajes de Gulliver, 1726
.- Jacques Cuttin Epígono, historia del siglo future, 1659
.- S. Madden Recuerdos del siglo XX, 1733
.- Luis Sebastien Mercier Creador de un nuevo método de utopía: laucronía.
.- Panorama de París, 1769
.- El año 2440, sueño como jamás se conoció, 1771.
.- Restif de la Bretone El año 2000, 1789
.- Goette Los años de viaje de Wilhelm Meister, 1822
.- Pierre-Simon Ballanche La ciudad de las expiaciones, 1832
.- Robert Owen Informe al comité de socorro de los pobres del sector fabril, 1817.-
.- Saint-Simon El sistema industrial, 1821
.- Catecismo de los industriales, 1823
.- Charles Fourier Teoría de los cuatro movimientos, 1808
.- Etienne Cabet Viajes y aventuras de Lord William Carisdall a Icaria, 1839
.- H. Le Hon El año 7860 de la era cristiana, 1860.
.- Victor Hugo El porvenir, 1867
.- Gabriel Tarde Fragmento de historia futura, 1896
.- Binet-Sanglé Haras Humain, 1918
.- William Harvey Hudson Una era de cristal, 1887
.- Jean Grave Tierra Libre, 1908
.- Samuel Butler Erewhon o al otro lado de la sierra, 1872
.- Ignatius Donnelly La columna de César, 1890
.- Edward Bellany Mirando hacia atrás, 1888
.- William Morris Noticias de ninguna parte, 1891
.- Paul Adam Corazones nuevos, 1896
.- Cartas de Malasia, 1898
.- Anatole France Sobre la piedra blanca, 1905
.- La isla de los pingüinos, 1908
.- Jack London El talón de hierro, 1906
.- Georges Pellerin El mundo dentro de 2000 años, 1887
.- Emile Thirion Neustria, 1901
.- Theodor Herlzka Tierra Libre, 1889
.- Theodor Herzl Tierra antigua y nueva, 1902. (Autor está considerado padre del sionismo.)
.- Jerome K. Jerome La nueva utopía, 1927
.- Paolo Mantegazza El año 3000, 1897
.- Hippolyte Verl Los socialistas en el poder, 1898
.- Horace W.C. Newte el caudillo de las bestias, 1907
.- Edward G. Herber Newaera, 1910
.- Maurice Spronck El año 330 de la República, 1894
.- Edward Bulwer-Lytton La raza venidera, 1871
.- Daniel Halévy 1997-2000.Historia de cuatros años, 1903
.- Berhart Lellermann El túnel, 1911
.- Edward Morgam Forter La máquina se para, 1912
.- Herbert George Wells La máquina del tiempo, 1895
.- Cuando el durmiente despierta, 1899
.- Una utopía moderna, 1905
.- Hombres como dioses, 1923
.- Así será el futuro, 1933
.- F. Bordewijk Cubos, 1931
.- Jozef Verso Nuevo viaje a Utopía, 1946
.- Henri Allorge El gran cataclismo, 1922
.- Karel Capek R.U.R, 1921. Este autor inventó la palabra “robot”.
.- Ernest Jünger Las abejas de cristal, 1957
.- Heliópolis, 1949
.- George B. Shaw Regreso a los tiempos de Matusalén, 1921
.- Alfred Döblin Montañas, mares y gigantes, 1924
.- René Barjavel Devastación, 1943
.- J.B.S. Haldane El juicio final, 1943
.- William Olaf Stapledon Los últimos y los primeros hombres, 1930
.- Franz Werfel La estrella de los enanos, 1945
.-Hermann Hesse El juego de los abalorios, 1943
.- Eugene Zamitin Nosotros, 1920
.- Aldous Huxley Un mundo feliz, 1932
.- Tiempos futuros, 1949
.- Regreso a un mundo feliz, 1959
.- La Isla, 1962
.- George Orwell Rebelión en la granja, 1945
.- 1984, 1949.
.- Ray Bradbury Fahernheit 451, 1953
.- Ira Levin En ese tiempo perfecto, 1970
.- Pierre Boulle Los juegos del espíritu, 1971
.- Antonio de Guevara, Reloj de Príncipes, 1529
.- Andrés Merino Tratado sobre la monarquía columbina, 1790.
.- Alejandro Moya El triunfo de las castañuelas o mi viaje a Crotalópolis, 1792
.- Anónimo, SINAPIA, Península en la Tierra austral, siglo XVIII
.- Antonio Marqués y Espejo Viaje de un filósofo a Selenópolis, 1804
.- Un palco sobre la nada, Alonso Guerrero, 2012

Anexo 5: Obras sobre Viajes en el Tiempo

Nota:  Vaya a la portada e indice del libro sobre la humanidad resurrecta 

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d1)Viajes en el Tiempo, en Cuentos Cortos

Time travel is a recurrent theme in science fiction literature. Thousands of books incorporate time travel. Below are examples of texts that are repeatedly recognized as works of science fiction (as the genre has been defined in this article) that integrate time travel.
Date Title Author Description
1733 Memoirs of the Twentieth Century Samuel Madden A guardian angel travels to 1728 with letters from 1997 and '98
1838 Missing One's Coach: An Anachronism Anonymous Dublin University Magazine Traveler picked up by a stagecoach but is suddenly transported back over a thousand years.
1843 A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens Ghosts accompanies Scrooge into the past to show his life, then the future to show the consequences of his heartlessness if he does not change his ways.
1861 Paris Before Men Pierre Boitard Magic of a “lame demon” allows main character to interact with prehistoric life.
1881 The Clock That Went Backward Edward Page Mitchell A clock that has the power to take people back in time.
1887 El Anacronopete Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau First to introduce a time machine, originally written as a zarzuela in 1881, released as a novel in 1887.
1887 Looking Backward: 2000-1887 Edward Bellamy Julian West towards the end of the 19th century, falls into a deep, hypnosis-induced sleep and wakes up 113 years later.
1888 A Dream of John Ball William Morris Describes a time travel encounter between the medieval and modern worlds.
1888 "The Chronic Argonauts" H.G. Wells Inventor takes another with him in a time machine, before deciding to leave to a time where he will fit in more.
1889 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Mark Twain 19th century citizen goes to King Arthur's time (528 AD).
1891 Tourmalin's Time Cheques Thomas A. Gutherie Time travel and the paradoxes that can result from it.
1895 The Time Machine H.G. Wells Inventor creates a time machine and travels to the year 802,701 A.D., where he finds humanity have evolved into two races, Morlocks and Eloi.
1919 Enoch Soames Max Beerbohm Enoch is transported 100 years into the future (1997) to see if he became a great writer or not – a Faustian-like pact with the Devil is involved.
1929 Armageddon 2419 A.D. Philip Francis Nowlan Anthony Rogers is transported to the year 2419 by a strange cave gas. Later became the comic strip Buck Rogers.
1936 Burnt Norton T. S. Eliot Begins with "Time present and time past// Are both perhaps present in time future..."
1939 A Traveller in Time Alison Uttley Child goes back into Derbyshire of the Babbington Plot and Mary Queen Of Scots.
1941 By His Bootstraps Robert A. Heinlein Circular paradox-character is brought to the future where he later operates a time machine to bring himself to the future
1942 All-Star Comics #10 Justice Society of America use a time ray to travel 500 years into the future and get an effective bombing defence to protect America.
1946 Vintage Season "Lawrence O'Donnell" (joint pseudonym of C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner Time travellers from the future experience wonderful seasons and spectacular events in the past.
1947 All-Star Comics #35 Villain Per Degaton murders a scientist who has invented a time machine and tries to use it to change history, causing modern technology from the Present, meaning he can then conquer America with technology protected from thee effects.
1952 "A Sound of Thunder" Ray Bradbury Changes in the past affect the future; part of the genealogy of the term Butterfly effect
1953 Bring the Jubilee Ward Moore A time traveller from an alternate reality appears at the Battle of Gettysburg and alters his own future into ours.
1954 Experiment Fredric Brown An experiment involving the time travel of a small brass cube results in disaster.[1]
1955 The End of Eternity Isaac Asimov Use time machines to transfer goods between centuries
1955 "The Discovery of Morniel Mathaway" William Tenn Historian returns to mid-20th century to study artist whose works he finds himself having to create, so the past is a product of the future's interest in the past.
1995 Time Patrol, plus 10 others Poul Anderson Series of 11 novels related to the Time Patrol, an organization which protects the past.
1956 Extempore Damon Knight Man learns how to travel through time.
1956 Pawley's Peepholes John Wyndham Time travellers from the future disrupt life in a small town life by treating it as a quaint place for sightseeing.
1956 The Stars My Destination Alfred Bester In a future in which self-teleportation is common, Gully Foyle discovers how to teleport himself through time as well.
1957 Wythnos yng Nghymru Fydd (A Week in the Wales of the Future) Islwyn Ffowc Elis A novel in the Welsh Language, in which the narrator travels to Wales on two occasions in the year 2033 and encounters contrasting future scenarios each time.
1957 The Door Into Summer Robert A. Heinlein After thirty years trapped in suspended animation, a man uses a time machine to go back and exact revenge on his friend and fiancée for stealing his business.
1957 The Last Word Damon Knight Tale of Armageddon and the Devil.
1957 Soldier From Tomorrow Harlan Ellison A soldier comes back from the future to warn against the path toward global conflict.
1957 Double Indemnity Robert Sheckley Everett Barthold travels through time to find an ancestor lookalike who can be used to defraud an insurance company.
1958 The Men Who Murdered Mohammed Alfred Bester Comedy in which a professor travels back in time to kill someone by killing their grandparent, but the results confound him. Explores many time travel scenarios in a short story format.
1959 —All You Zombies— Robert A. Heinlein Circular paradox – the hero is both his own mother and his own father; in addition he manipulates his younger self using a time machine to make his own birth happen.
1959 The Day We Explored the Future Donald Keith Boy Scouts find an abandoned time machine and visit the year 4000 AD. (First of a 23-story Time Machine series appearing 1959–1989 in Boys' Life.)
1960 The Weirdstone of Brisingamen Alan Garner Colin and Susan go back in time in the caves of Alderley Edge in Cheshire – crystal bracelet, magic great wolf included.
1961 Danny Dunn, Time Traveler Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams A couple of teenagers use their professor's time machine to study the history of the US.
1962 Fantastic Four vol 1 No. 19 Stan Lee and Jack Kirby The Fantastic Four travel to Ancient Egypt, and meet Pharaoh Rama-Tut, who is really another time traveller, from the 31st century. First appearance of Marvel Comics time-travelling villain Kang.
1963 The Other End of the Line Walter Tevis George Bletzo mistakenly call his own phone number and talks to his own person in a few months into the future. Predestination in play.
1964 Time Tunnel Murray Leinster Large immobile masses of iron in the earth's crust enable two-way travel between two points in the planet's history.
1964–present Doctor Who various authors More than 530 original novels and novelisations based on the popular TV show.
1965 The Ship that Sailed the Time Stream G. C. Edmondson Ensign Joe Rate, "captain of a wooden ship in a predominantly atomic navy," is transported, with his ship and crew, first back to the time of the Vikings, then to the time of the Romans.
1966 The Green Bronze Mirror Lynne Ellison Teenage girl finds ancient mirror buried in sand, looks into it, is transported back in time to the Roman Empire – where she is mistaken for a runaway slave.
1966 The Man From When Dannie Plachta A man inadvertently destroys the world in order to travel back eighteen minutes in time.
1968 Hawksbill Station Robert Silverberg A time machine is used by an oppressive government for deporting political prisoners a billion years in the past, to the Pre-Cambrian era.
1969 Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut A man is randomly traveling through time in his life jumping from one event to another in no particular order.
1969 Up the Line Robert Silverberg Time travel as guided tours to past historical events.
1969 The House on the Strand Daphne du Maurier Drug-induced trip back to 14th century Cornish Village.
1969 Behold the Man Michael Moorcock A man travels in a time machine to 28 AD, hoping to meet the historical Jesus.
1970 Chronocules D.G. Compton A millionaire establishes a research village to experiment with time travel.
1970 Time and Again Jack Finney Uses hypnosis to travel through time.
1970 The Year of the Quiet Sun Wilson Tucker The government uses a forward-traveling time machine to survey the future and adjust its policies accordingly.
1972 Time's Last Gift Philip Jose Farmer Four scientists/anthropologists travel from 2070 A.D. to 12,000 B.C.
1973 Time Enough for Love Robert A. Heinlein Lazarus Long travels in time to 1916 and falls in love with his own mother.
1973 The Man Who Folded Himself David Gerrold Main character receives a belt that allows him to travel through time. Complications ensue.
1975 Bid Time Return Richard Matheson A young man sees an old photograph of a woman, and through hypnosis travels back in time from 1980 to 1912 to meet her. Basis of the 1980 film Somewhere in Time.
1977 Time Storm Gordon R. Dickson A cosmic anomaly sweeps the Earth, subdividing the surface into irregular zones whose "present" is a randomly determined historical period of the past or future, which changes at irregular intervals. One man attempting to rescue his ex-wife accumulates a group of refugees from throughout history.
1977 Rotating Cylinders and the Possibility of Global Causality Violation Larry Niven A half-finished Tipler cylinder is discovered by a future human explorer. When the leader decides to complete it, his civilization is destroyed by a nova.
1978 The Very Slow Time Machine Ian D. Watson An enigmatic traveler from the future, in a time vessel which cannot be breached, baffles scientists in his past. (His messages include: "you must travel through time by an equal amount of accumulate hindward potential...")
1979 Time After Time Karl Alexander H.G. Wells builds a time machine, which is stolen by Jack the Ripper so he can escape the authorities and continue his killing spree.
1979 Morlock Night K.W. Jeter What happened when H.G. Wells' time machine returned from the future.
1979 Closing the Timelid Orson Scott Card A man uses time travel to experience the sensation of death.
1980 Timescape Gregory Benford Use of tachyons to warn scientists of the past about an upcoming disaster.
1980 Thrice Upon a Time James P. Hogan Messages are sent back through time which deletes the timeline in which it exists.
1980 A Rebel in Time Harry Harrison Time machine misuse. U.S. Government aids the Confederacy with submachine guns.
1980 Kindred Octavia Butler Dana, an African American woman, is inexplicably transported from 1976 Los Angeles to early 19th century Maryland. She meets her ancestors: Rufus, a white slave holder, and Alice, an African-American woman who was born free but forced into slavery later in life.
1980 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Douglas Adams Milliways is frozen in the last moment of the universe before it succumbs to final entropy, requiring time travel to reach it. Menu prices are astronomical, but patrons are advised to deposit a penny in a bank account now. By the time a patron reaches the final moment of history, compound interest will have transformed the penny into a fortune large enough to pay the bill.
1980 The Man Who Loved Morlocks David J. Lake H.G. Wells' time traveller confronts the Morlocks again, this time equipped with a camera and revolver.
1981 The Many-Colored Land, first book of the Saga of the Pliocene Exile series Julian May Time travellers from the late 21st/early 22nd century go through a one-way time portal to the Earth's Pliocene period, already controlled by humanoid extraterrestrials.
1982 Life, the Universe and Everything Douglas Adams Time travel paradoxes form the basis of broad comedy, as in the case of the ancient poet Lallafa.
1983 Millennium John Varley In the far distant future, a time-travel team snatches the passengers of a plane collision, leaving prefabricated bodies behind for the rescue teams to find. Basis of the 1989 film.
1983 The Anubis Gates Tim Powers In 1983, a millionaire discovers time-travel gates and organizes a trip to the past to attend a lecture by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1810. A professor hired by the millionaire is trapped in 19th-century London.
1984 "The Toynbee Convector" Ray Bradbury A stagnating civilization of the 1980s is revitalized when a man produces evidence of a future utopia, apparently obtained through time travel. Mankind is inspired by the evidence to actually achieve this utopia.
1985 Star Trek: Ishmael Barbara Hambly Spock is aboard a Klingon ship when it travels back in time to Seattle in 1867. He discovers a Klingon plot to destroy the United Federation of Planets by assassinating an ancestor of his mother, a prominent local businessman who will later be instrumental in repelling an invasion by the alien Karsids.
1986 Running Against Time Stanley Shapiro In an effort to prevent the Vietnam War, a man travels back in time to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
1987 A Tale of Time City Diana Wynne Jones A girl, Vivian Smith, is kidnapped while being evacuated from London during World War II, and is caught up in a struggle to preserve history.
1988 Replay Ken Grimwood A man in 1988 suffers a heart attack and finds himself back in his life in 1963.
1988 Lightning Dean Koontz A time traveler from Nazi Germany interferes with the life of a young woman in the future.
1989 Hyperion Dan Simmons A great warrior, the Shrike, is sent from the future for an unknown reason. Main characters will travel through time in a very complex timeline.
1990 Four Past Midnight: "The Langoliers" Stephen King An airplane accidentally flies through a rip in space/time and appears in the "used time" of yesterday, in which dreadful "Langoliers" eat the past.
1992 The Guns of the South Harry Turtledove During American Civil War, South African white supremacists give the Confederacy AK-47s.
1992 From Time to Time Jack Finney Use of hypnosis to travel through time.
1992 Doomsday Book Connie Willis Travel through time from 2048 to 14th century, constrained by automatic avoidance of paradoxes.
1992 Outlander Diana Gabaldon Travel through time from 1940s to 1740s. Woman time travels through standing stones in Scotland.
1992 Dragonfly in Amber Diana Gabaldon Time-travel romance, the second of a trilogy (after Outlander, 1991). 1960s to 18th century.
1993 Voyager Diana Gabaldon Time-travel romance, the third of the Outlander series. Time travel from the 20th century to 18th century.
1993 The Cross Time Engineer Leo Frankowski 20th Century Polish Engineer is transported back to 13th century Poland 10 years before the Mongol invasion.
1995 The Hundred-Light-Year-Diary Greg Egan After the invention of a method for sending messages back in time, history of the future becomes common knowledge, and every person knows their own fate.
1995 The Time Ships Stephen Baxter Authorised sequel to H.G. Wells' The Time Machine.
1996 Drums of Autumn Diana Gabaldon Time-travel romance, the fourth of the Outlander series. Time travel from the 20th century to 18th century.
1996 Timequake Kurt Vonnegut People in 2001 are transported back to 1991 to relive their lives.
1996 The Dechronization of Sam Magruder George Gaylord Simpson A scientist working in the year 2162 is thrown back in time 80 million years to the Jurassic period.
1996 Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus Orson Scott Card Researchers travel back in time to see Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World in order to know the historical truth.
1996 Animorphs K. A. Applegate In book 11, the Animorphs and Visser 3 are sent back a few hours to the Amazon by a Saurio Rip, with the plot used again in Altermorph 1. The same concept is uses to sent the animorphs back to time to 65 million B.C. in Megamorph 2. In the Andalite Chronicles, Elfangor discovers a technology known as the Time Matrix, seen again in Megamorph 3.
1997 Making History Stephen Fry Two men in the present attempt to prevent the birth of Adolf Hitler.
1997 To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis A comedy in which time travelers from 2048 travel back to the 19th century in order to find an artifact for a dictatorial wealthy woman; adventures occur in The Blitz and other occasions.
1997 Corrupting Dr. Nice John Kessel Modeled on 1930s screwball comedies; set in Cretaceous, 40 AD Jerusalem and 2060 AD.
1998 The Transall Saga Gary Paulsen A boy gets transported to a weird world by a blue light, only to discover that it is the dark future of planet Earth
1999 King of Shadows Susan Cooper A modern day boy switches places with a Shakespearean actor who needs to be cured by modern medicine so as to return to his own age and help Shakespeare to greater success on the stage.
1999 All of an Instant Richard Garfinkle People from three atemporal time tribes must unite to save the crystallization and fracturing of all of history.
1999 Timeline Michael Crichton Historians travel to and become stuck in the Middle Ages.
1999 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J. K. Rowling Hogwarts student Hermione Granger acquires a Time-Turner, a magical necklace that allows her to travel back in time on a daily basis in order to take an unusually large courseload. The device is later used to manipulate the events of a single night to aid a wrongly accused convict's escape.
2001 The Fiery Cross Diana Gabaldon Time-travel romance, the fifth of the Outlander series. Time travel from the 20th century to 18th century.
2001 The Chronoliths Robert Charles Wilson Monuments from the future appear in the early 21st century, precipitating a global political collapse.
2001 Thief of Time Terry Pratchett Unfreezing and freezing of time using a small mechanism.
2001 Paratime H. Beam Piper Shorts stories of lateral time movement and alternate universes.
2002 Meridian John Schettler ForeWord Magazine Silver Medal Winner for Sci-Fi Book of The Year, 2002 – Sequels: Nexus Point, Touchstone, Anvil of Fate – The first ever experiment in Time travel sets off a "Time War" where opposing sides struggle to alter key events on the Meridians of Time. Five book series: Meridian, Nexus Point, Touchstone, Anvil of Fate, Golem 7.
2002 Night Watch Terry Pratchett Character interacts with a younger version of himself.
2002 Counting Up, Counting Down Harry Turtledove Time travel with the twin perspectives of a man who travels back in time for relationship stability.
2002 Thief! Malorie Blackman A huge storm traps a girl who is accused of being a thief and takes her into the future.
2002 Kaleidoscope Century John Barnes Takes place on Mars. A man has a virus that puts him to sleep every 15 years and he wakes 10 younger.
2002 1633 Eric Flint West-Virginian town is taken back to the Thirty Years' War in Germany and gives them insight to the future.
2003-ongoing Haruhi Suzumiya Nagaru Tanigawa Two characters, Mikuru Asahina and Fujiwara, are time travelers from the future and many parts of the storyline involve time traveling.
2003 The Time Traveler's Wife Audrey Niffenegger Man with a rare genetic disorder unpredictably travels in time, living his life out of sequence.
2004 Axis of Time John Birmingham A naval task-force from 2021 is accidentally sent back to the battle of Midway.
2004 The Spark of God (orig. title: L'Éclat de Dieu) Romain Sardou Describes the First Crusade and the beginning of the Knights Templar in the future.
2004 Pen Pal Lou Antonelli Loops in a man's life told through a narrative that goes from future to present.
2004–2005 Warcraft: War of the Ancients Trilogy Richard A. Knaak A human, a dragon and an orc travel back in time to help save Azeroth from the Burning Legion.
2005 A Breath of Snow and Ashes Diana Gabaldon Time-travel romance, the sixth of the Outlander series. Time travel from the 20th century to 18th century.
2005 Island in the Sea of Time S.M. Stirling Nantucket is transported 3000 years back in time because of a space disturbance.
2005 Mammoth John Varley Multibillionaire clones a mammoth and sends it back in time.
2006 Sojourn Jana G. Oliver A Time Rover from 2057 returns to 1888 London in search of a missing time tourist only to be caught in the Jack the Ripper murders and the history-changing plots of a mysterious group of shape-shifters called Transitives.
2006 The Plot to Save Socrates Paul Levinson Time travelers from 2042 to prevent Socrates from consuming hemlock.
2006 Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony Eoin Colfer Fifth book in the Artemis Fowl series. Artemis must pair up with his old comrade Captain Holly Short to track down the missing demon, before the spell that holds a demon island, Hybras, in limbo dissolves completely and the lost demon colony returns violently to Earth. Artemis also ends up saving Holly by manipulating time.
2007 Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey Chuck Palahniuk Characters participate in "Party Crashing" which can, under certain conditions, cause time travel.
2007 The Accidental Time Machine Joe Haldeman A research assistant stumbles across a forward-traveling time machine.
2007 The Lifehouse Trilogy Spider Robinson 3 books (Mindkiller (1982), Time Pressure (1988), LifeHouse (1997)) chronicle the story of visitors from Earth's future visiting the past to essentially harvest souls.
2007 Virtual Evil Jana G. Oliver A Time Rover from 2057 is sent to 1888 London to find Harter Defoe, the first time traveler who is slowly going insane.
2008 Madman's Dance Jana G. Oliver Abandoned in a Victorian insane asylum, memories erased, a Time Rover from 2057 must find a way to thwart a plot from the future that will remake British history.
2008 Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox Eoin Colfer Sixth book in the Artemis Fowl series. After Angeline Fowl contracts spelltropy, Artemis travels back in time eight years to when he was ten years old to find a lemur that can help cure his mother. The plot twist in the end of the book creates a circular timeline that started the series.
2008 Found Margaret Peterson Haddix Thirteen year olds Jonah and Chip find out that they are missing children from time and go on a journey along with Jonah's sister Katherine to uncover many secrets.
2009 An Echo in the Bone Diana Gabaldon Time-travel romance, the seventh of the Outlander series. Time travel from the 20th century to 18th century.
2009 Rubinrot Kerstin Gier A story about a girl, Gwendolyn Shepherd, who can travel in time with a machine, called chronograph.
2009 Sent Margaret Peterson Haddix Jonah, Katherine, Chip and Alex are sent back to 1483 to learn that Chip is actually King Edward V and Alex is his brother Richard, Duke of York.
2010 Expiration Date Duane Swierczynski Hardboiled pulp tale of an ex-journalist who discovers pills in his grandfather's medicine cabinet that transport him back in time to the 1970s.
2010 Sabotaged Margaret Peterson Haddix Jonah and Katherine go on yet another mission to return a missing kid named Andrea(really Virginia Dare) to her time in the Roanoke Colony.
2010 Blackout and All Clear Connie Willis Time travelers from 2048 go to the London Blitz during WWII to observe and end up being part of it. Novel published in two parts.
2010 How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe Charles Yu In search of his father, a time machine mechanic adventures through time accompanied by TAMMY and his ontologically valid dog, Ed, all while documenting his travels in a manual for future travellers.
2011 World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects Christie Golden Thrall, an orc shaman, travels through time and alternative reality in order to find his inner strength.
2011 11/22/63 Stephen King A man travels through a time portal to 1958, intending to stop Lee Harvey Oswald from shooting John F. Kennedy.
2012 Quantum 7 T.R. MacKie A young woman takes part in brain wave frequency research, and discovers she is traveling through space-time during the experiments.
2012 Amber House Kelly Moore, Tucker Reed, Larkin Reed A teen girl uses psychometry to alter events in the past, changing the present and future.
2013 Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers Dav Pilkey George Beard and Harold Hutchins, two fourth graders, use a homemade time machine to travel 65 million years into the past.

d2)Viajes en el Tiempo, en la Cinematografía

1949 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Tay Garnett Based on Mark Twain's classic in which a mechanic (Bing Crosby) is knocked out and wakes up in the land of King Arthur.
1960 The Time Machine George Pal Loose adaption of H. G. Wells's classic in which a time traveler enters a future where the world is broken up into two classes, the peaceful Eloi and the malevolent masters of the world, the Morlocks.
1962 La jetée Chris Marker The hero is haunted by a memory from his childhood, which turns out to be himself as an adult. (La jetée inspired the full-length feature 12 Monkeys.)
1964 The Time Travelers Ib Melchior A time travel experiment that was supposed to produce a window into different times is actually a portal.
1965 Dr. Who and the Daleks Gordon Flemyng Based on the BBC TV series. In this, the Doctor is an inventor not an alien. His TARDIS device takes the Doctor and companions to the future of an alien world.
1966 Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. Gordon Flemyng Based on the BBC TV series. In this the Doctor is an inventor not an alien. His TARDIS device takes the Doctor and companions to a future London devastated by war.
1968 Planet of the Apes Franklin J. Schaffner George Taylor (played by Charlton Heston) travels to a future Earth inhabited by intelligent talking apes.
1970 Beneath the Planet of the Apes Ted Post Another astronaut, Brent, travels to the future Earth ruled by apes. His search for Taylor leads to an underground city of nuclear mutants.
1971 Escape from the Planet of the Apes Don Taylor Three apes escape Earth's destruction by salvaging and repairing the astronaut Taylor's spaceship and piloting it through a time warp back to 1973.
1972 Slaughterhouse-Five George Roy Hill A man travels to various times and places from his life in addition to another planet.
1973 Idaho Transfer Peter Fonda Due to an impending disaster that threatens to destroy mankind, a time machine is built by a group of young scientists to transport themselves into the future to rebuild civilization.
1973 Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future Leonid Gaidai Engineer Shurik has invented a time machine in his apartment. By accident, he sends two people back into the time of Ivan IV while the real Ivan IV is sent by the same machine into Shurik's apartment.
1978 Superman Richard Donner Superman circles the Earth at tremendous speeds allowing him to travel back in time to just before an earthquake created by Lex Luthor.
1979 Time After Time Nicholas Meyer Using a time machine, Jack the Ripper and H. G. Wells travel from 1893 London to 1979 San Francisco.
1980 The Final Countdown Don Taylor A storm at sea transports a nuclear warship back in time from the 1980s to the 1940s.
1980 Somewhere in Time Jeannot Szwarc A young man sees an old photograph of a woman, and through hypnosis travels back in time from 1980 to 1912 to meet her. Based on Matheson's 1975 novel "Bid Time Return"
1981 Time Bandits Terry Gilliam A young boy unwittingly joins a band of dwarves as they travel through time hunting treasure.
1982 Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann William Dear The hero travels by means of "time cannons".
1983 Twilight Zone: The Movie John Landis, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante and George Miller Big-screen adaptations of three classic episodes from the popular 1950s and 1960s Rod Serling television series, plus a new segment featuring a bigot who is transported into the lives of past victims of racism.
1984 The Terminator James Cameron A cyborg (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) is sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to destroy humanity by killing the future mother of its future savior.
1984 The Philadelphia Experiment Stewart Raffill In 1943, an anti-radar experiment accidentally sends two sailors forward in time to 1984. Nancy Allen and Michael Pare star in this film.
1984 Non ci resta che piangere Roberto Benigni and Massimo Troisi The school janitor Mario (Massimo Troisi) and the teacher Saverio (Roberto Benigni) have an automobile breakdown, decide to spend the night in an inn, and the next morning they awake in the Florence of the 16th century.
1985 Back to the Future Robert Zemeckis Time travel is achieved by means of a flux capacitor installed in a DeLorean DMC12 sports car. Marty McFly intervenes in his parents' first meeting, preventing them from falling in love, and placing his own existence in danger.
1985 Trancers Charles Band Jack Deth is a kind of cop/bounty hunter in a future dystopic Los Angeles.
1985 My Science Project Jonathan R. Betuel Michael and Ellie break into a military junkyard to find a science project. They find an orb that dangerously bends time and have to stop it to save the world.
1986 Peggy Sue Got Married Francis Ford Coppola Peggy Sue Bodell faints at her high school reunion. When she wakes up, she finds herself in her own past, just before she finished school.
1986 Biggles: Adventures in Time John Hough Unassuming catering salesman Jim Ferguson falls through a time hole to 1917 where he saves the life of dashing Royal Flying Corps pilot James "Biggles" Bigglesworth after his photo recon mission is shot down. Before he can work out what has happened, Jim is zapped back to the 1980s.
1986 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Leonard Nimoy To save Earth, Admiral James T. Kirk and his crew travel back in time to retrieve the beings who can communicate with an alien probe (humpback whales).
1986 Outlaws Nicholas Corea Five cowboys of the 1880s are sent forward through time 100 years and fight crime.
1986 Flight of the Navigator Randal Kleiser In 1978, a boy winds up 8 years into the future, and discovers an alien spaceship brought him there.
1986 Kin-dza-dza Georgi Daneliya A Russian dystopian comedy. Uncle Vova asks a person from the planet Alpha to move him and Fiddler back in time to save two aliens who got imprisoned because of the main hero's actions.
1987 Masters of the Universe David Odell The villain uses a camcorder-like gadget that shows the past, and an inventor opens up wormholes to other timestreams allowing the heroine (a young Courteney Cox) to save her parents from dying.
1987 Timestalkers Michael Schulz A professor who's lost his family finds evidence of a time traveller in Old West memorabilia.
1989 Field of Dreams Phil Alden Robinson Major league baseball players from the early 20th century time travel to the present year of 1989. When Ray Kinsella is in Minnesota searching for former major-leaguer "Moonlight" Graham, he is mysteriously transported from 1989 to 1972 where he encounters Graham as an elderly doctor.
1989 Back to the Future Part II Robert Zemeckis Sequel to Back to the Future, Part II follows Marty McFly and Doc Brown as they go to the year 2015 to prevent Marty's kids from ruining the McFly family's reputation. Along the way, an old Biff Tannen steals the DeLorean so he can give a sports almanac to himself in the past, and win millions of dollars gambling. This creates a hellish alternate 1985 that it's up to Marty and the Doc to correct.
1989 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Stephen Herek Two teenagers (Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves) will not graduate from high school unless they pull on A on their history project. A time traveler (George Carlin) visits them to help because their success on this report is vital as it ensures they will stay together to create a Utopian future. As Bill and Ted travel through time, they encounter historical figures including Socrates, Joan of Arc, and Billy the Kid.
1989 Millennium Michael Anderson Time travelers from the far future steal people already destined to die, such as in plane crashes, in order to restock humankind in their own desolate future. Based on the 1983 John Varley novel.
1989 Warlock Steve Miner A warlock in the 17th century who has been sentenced to death for witch craft is transported to the 20th century, followed by a witch hunter who must stop the warlock finding the Grand Grimoire.
1990 Frankenstein Unbound Roger Corman A scientist creates a weapon that causes your enemy to disappear but has a side effect of causing shifts in time. The scientist is transported back in time to 1817 and he meets Doctor Frankenstein and his monster as well as Mary Shelley who in this film wrote her novel based on true events.
1990 Back to the Future Part III Robert Zemeckis Sequel to Back to the Future Part II. In the final installment of the trilogy, Marty McFly goes back to 1885 to stop an outlaw from killing Doc Brown in a duel, and bring him back home to 1985.
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day James Cameron Sequel to The Terminator.
1992 Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey Peter Hewitt Sequel to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Two evil robot versions of Bill and Ted are sent back in time to kill them.
1992 Army of Darkness Sam Raimi Central character Ash (Bruce Campbell), a supermarket employee, is sent back in time by a specific book to the 14th century.
1992 Freejack Geoff Murphy The rich in a future where time travel has been invented snatch people from history a moment before their death in order to use the bodies as hosts for their own minds after death.
1992 Timescape (or: Grand Tour: Disaster in Time) David Twohy Ben Wilson and daughter Hillary are visited by a strange group of travelers looking for lodging. The travelers are from the future, intending to witness an impending catastrophe.
1993 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III Stuart Gillard The turtles go back in time to feudal Japan to retrieve a kidnapped April.
1993 Les Visiteurs Jean-Marie Poire A 12th-century knight and his servant travel in time to the end of the 20th century and find themselves adrift in modern society.
1993 12:01 Jack Sholder Barry Thomas is the average office worker. He becomes attracted to Lisa Fredericks who works in the same company. After work, Barry witnesses the murder of Lisa and goes to a bar to get drunk. Later that night, there is a storm and Barry gets a shock from a lamp's faulty power wire at exactly 12:01 am. The next morning, he realizes that everything is happening exactly as it did the previous day. The next morning the day is repeated again. It is now Barry's job—being the only person alive who is aware of this time loop—to stop the murder of Lisa, and stop the time loop or be caught in time forever.
1993 Groundhog Day Harold Ramis Weatherman Phil Connors is trapped in 2 February in the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania when he finds the same day repeating over and over.
1994 Time Chasers David Giancola An amateur inventor goes through time with an airplane to stop a villain from changing history for profit.
1994 Star Trek Generations David Carson USS Enterprise Captains James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard meet through the effects of an energy ribbon.
1994 Timecop Peter Hyams Includes a prohibition against changing the past. The Time Enforcement Commission (TEC) is created to prevent alterations to the past. This causes a dilemma for the hero, Max Walker, who has to prevent time-travelers from altering time, but is tempted to do so to prevent his wife's death.
1995 12 Monkeys Terry Gilliam James Cole tries to change the past but fails. It therefore runs on the principle of a fixed timeline (the Novikov self-consistency principle).
1996 Doctor Who Geoffrey Sax This film involves the Doctor in his eighth incarnation and has a showdown with the Master.
1996 Star Trek: First Contact Jonathan Frakes The USS Enterprise follows the Borg back in time to stop them from altering history and preventing Earth's first warp flight and first contact with the Vulcans.
1999 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Jay Roach Dr. Evil is back and has invented a time machine that allows him to go back to the 1960s so he can steal Austin Powers' mojo.
1999 The Time Shifters Mario Azzopardi A reporter, learning of time travelers visiting 20th century disasters, tries to change the history they know by averting upcoming disasters.
1999 (UK) 2000 (USA) S Club 7: Back to the 50's Andrew Margetson A music group finds a time portal while on their way to Los Angeles and find themselves in a desert town in the year 1959 under the control of a gang with a corrupted sheriff as an ally. The group learns about the fate of a local chef at a diner and tries to prevent certain disaster despite threats against them from both the sheriff and the gang.
2000 Frequency Gregory Hoblit An accidental cross-time radio link connects father and son across 30 years. The son tries to save his father's life, but then must fix the consequences.
2000 Ditto Kim Jeong-gwon Two people separated in time are somehow able to talk to each other using an amateur radio. The people in question are two students in the same school, one in 1979, the other in 2000.
2000 Disney's The Kid Jon Turteltaub A 40-year old image consultant (Bruce Willis) finds himself being visited by his 10-year old self.
2000 Il Mare Lee Hyun-seung The two protagonists both live in a lake house two years apart in time, but are able to communicate through a mysterious post box. This movie inspired the 2006 American film The Lake House.
2001 Donnie Darko Richard Kelly A teenager travels through time using wormholes, a man in a bunny suit, and the modern ritual of sleeping on golf courses.
2001 Just Visiting Jean Marie-Poire A medieval knight and his serf travel to 21st century Chicago, meeting the knight's descendant. But they must travel back to their time to ensure her birth.
2001 Kate & Leopold James Mangold A Duke time travels from 1876 to the present and falls in love with a career woman in New York.
2001 Pokémon 4Ever Kunihiko Yuyama Jim Malone The film focuses on Celebi who travels to the future and returns with a boy named Sam when being chased by a hunter.
2002 Returner Takashi Yamazaki The human race is on the edge of annihilation after decades of war with an alien force. In an outpost in Tibet, mankind’s last hope of survival is a time travel device.
2002 The Time Machine Simon Wells Remake of 1960s version of the film, directed by H.G. Wells' great-grandson, has little in common with H. G. Wells’s original novel.
2002 Time Changer Rich Christiano A Bible professor from 1890 comes forward in time to the present via a time machine and cannot believe the things that he sees.
2002 Austin Powers in Goldmember Jay Roach Upon learning that his father has been kidnapped, Austin Powers must travel to 1975 and defeat the villain Goldmember – who is working with Dr. Evil.
2002 Das Jesus Video Sebastian Niemann In Israel, a student in archaeology is seeking a video camera hidden 2000 years ago by a mysterious time traveler.
2003 Bottom Live 2003: Weapons Grade Y-Fronts Tour Rick Mayall Eddie Hitler builds a time traveling toilet which he calls the TURDIS
2003 Timeline Richard Donner Film adaptation of the book by Michael Crichton.
2003 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Jonathan Mostow Sequel to The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
2004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Alfonso Cuarón Hermione Granger receives a Time-Turner from Professor McGonagall, so she can attend more classes than time would normally allow. She and Harry later use the Time-Turner to save Sirius Black and Buckbeak.
2004 Primer Shane Carruth Time travelers can only use the time machine to travel to when the machine was first turned on. But you can bring a second running time machine back with you and after leaving the first machine, climb in the second.
2004 The Butterfly Effect Eric Bess & J. Mackye Gruber A college psychology student (Ashton Kutcher) learns he can temporarily travel to his past and change it. The time traveling in this film involves a process initiated by reading childhood journals.
2004 13 Going on 30 Gary Winick A 13-year old girl makes a birthday wish and wakes up as a 30-year old woman.
2005 Fetching Cody David Ray Distraught over his drug-addicted girlfriend, Cody (Sarah Lind), who's overdosed and fallen into a coma, small-time dope peddler Art (Jay Baruchel) uses a time machine to journey into the past in a desperate gamble to change her future.
2005 The Jacket John Maybury A amnesiac Persian Gulf War veteran (Adrien Brody) is subjected to an experimental treatment which moves him forward 15 years.
2005 A Sound of Thunder Peter Hyams For an extraordinary price, Time Safaris, Inc. will take clients through a wormhole to a time in pre-history to hunt dinosaur game. Based loosely on the 1952 short story by Ray Bradbury, with the Butterfly Effect portrayed as much more pronounced.
2005 Summer Time Machine Blues Katsuyuki Motohiro Five college boys in a sci-fi club break their air-conditioner's remote control. In the sweltering clubhouse, a time machine appears and they go back in time to retrieve a functioning controller, but this causes complications.
2006 The Lake House Alejandro Agresti Time travel romance where two people living in the same house at a lake at different times are able to exchange letters through its mailbox and fall in love.
2006 Click Frank Coraci Adam Sandler is given a remote that lets him fast forward, pause, and rewind his life.
2006 The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Mamoru Hosoda A teenage girl discovers that she can leap through time.
2006 Déjà Vu Tony Scott Denzel Washington is an ATF agent investigating a terrorist act who is invited to assist in a government time travel surveillance project.
2007 Bender's Big Score Dwayne Carey-Hill Alien scammers discover the code for time travel tattooed on Philip J. Fry's buttocks, and use it to send Bender back in time to steal priceless artifacts.
2007 Disney's Meet the Robinsons Steve Anderson Young Lewis is taken to the year 2037 by his future son Wilbur to stop a "Bowler Hat Guy" who has stolen Lewis' memory scanning machine.
2007 Premonition Mennan Yapo House wife (Sandra Bullock) learns that her husband died in a car crash the previous day, but, wakes up next morning to find him well and alive, and awakens the next day to a time when it has been a few weeks since he had died.
2008 Timecrimes Nacho Vigalondo A man who accidentally travels back to the past and meets himself there.
2008 Minutemen Lev L. Spiro Three high-school outcasts use a time machine that one invented to save their classmates from embarrassing moments. Their time-travel creates a black hole, which could destroy the world.
2008 Stargate: Continuum Martin Wood Ba'al changes the timeline so that SG-1 or the Stargate program never existed. Three people were unaffected by the change but are unable to do anything until Ba'al and the system lords arrive.
2009 Star Trek J. J. Abrams Spock's attempt to prevent a supernova fails, resulting in the destruction of the Romulan homeworld. The captain of a Romulan mining ship blames Spock, and both the Romulans and Spock fall through a black hole to the past, creating an alternate reality.
2009 Mr. Nobody Jaco Van Dormael A romantic drama about Nemo Nobody (Jared Leto), a 118-year-old man and the last mortal on Earth, who can predict the future and tells of alternate life paths, often changing course with the flick of a decision.
2009 The Time Traveler's Wife Robert Schwentke A romantic drama about a Chicago librarian (Eric Bana) with a gene that causes him to involuntarily time travel, and the complications it creates for his marriage. Based on the Audrey Niffenegger novel.
2009 Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel Gareth Carrivick Two geeks and a cynic attempt to navigate a time-travel conundrum in the middle of a British pub. Faris plays a girl from the Future who sets the adventure in motion.
2009 Disney's A Christmas Carol Robert Zemeckis Miserly moneylender Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future, in order to change his ways.
2009 Land of the Lost Brad Silberling
2010 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Tatsuya Ishihara Kyon is the only one who knows two of his classmates are missing and everything is different. To restore his life, he gathers several keys to power an alien device and travel back three years.
2010 Hot Tub Time Machine Steve Pink Four friends spend a crazy, drunken night in a hot tub at a ski resort only to travel back in time to 1986. They are each presented with an opportunity to alter their futures. The film stars John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, and Clark Duke.
2010 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Mike Newell Disney's adaption of the video game of the same name. A dagger is used to turn back the clock, it has a grip made of crystal through which a special "Sand of Time" has to flow in order to create the time transition effect. The Prince has to prevent someone from alternating history.
2010 Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time Kenichi Takeshita Series protagonist Yusei Fudo encounters Turbo Duelist Paradox, who is from the future, and who believes the only way to prevent his future from happening is to stop Duel Monsters from existing.
2011 Ticking Clock Ernie Barbarash James is a guy from the year 2032 who comes back in time with a custom-made watch that is a time machine. He travels back in time to fix his life but fails.
2011 Source Code Duncan Jones Captain Colter Stevens died in a helicopter crash and has been inserted in a computer program called Source Code which transfers him to the body of a deceased person for the last eight minutes of his life. He can not change the past, since Source Code is not a time machine, but he can reassign time and change the future to avoid a terrorist attack.
2011 Midnight in Paris Woody Allen While visiting Paris with his fiancee, an American writer discovers a way to travel back to the 1920s, allowing him to mingle with and draw inspiration from historical greats such as Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein.
2012 Safety Not Guaranteed Colin Trevorrow Comedy film inspired by a 1997 Backwoods Home Magazine classified ad by a person asking for someone to accompany him in time travel.
2012 Men In Black 3 Barry Sonnenfield Agent J travels back in time to MIB's early years in the 1960s in order to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.
2012 Looper Rian Johnson SciFi-action film. Criminal organizations abuse time travel to kill humans and avoid tracking of their bodies.
2013 The A.R.K. Report Harry Moskoff SciFi short film. A young girl travels into the future in order to find the ancient Ark of the Covenant and prevent it from falling into the hands of an evil army.

d3)Viajes en el Tiempo, en Series Televisivas de Ficción

Time travel is a recurrent theme in science fiction television programs. In some television series, time travel creates the premise and direction for the plot and/or setting of the show. Two model examples of television shows that utilize time travel in this way are Doctor Who and Quantum Leap. There are other television programs that incorporate time travel in only one, or some of their episodes. The table below encompasses television shows that fall into the first of these two categories. Shows that fall into the second category may be found in List of television series that include time travel.
1951 1956 Captain Z-Ro Roy Steffens Scientist Captain Z-Ro, working in his remote laboratory, safeguarded mankind and history from impending harm. He had a time machine, the ZX-99, both to view history and to send someone back in time.
1963 – Doctor Who A Time Lord known as "the Doctor" travels through time and space in a TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space).
1966 1967 It's About Time Sherwood Schwartz Two astronauts who break the speed of light, accidentally travel back in time to prehistoric Earth. When they realise that they are unable to return, they make friends with the cave-people they encounter. Eventually, they are able to return, but inadvertently bring some of the cave-people with them who then have to learn how to get along in the 1960s.
1966 1967 The Time Tunnel Irwin Allen The year is 1968, and Doug Phillips and Tony Newman are working on a top secret project beneath the Arizona desert called "tic-toc". The project has been 10 years in the making, and a visiting senator wants to see if this project really works, or he will cut the funding for it. To prove that it can work, Tony Newman turns on the time tunnel and goes back to the year 1912, and is on board the Titanic, which would sink hours later. Doug Phillips goes into the tunnel to help Tony, and both are stuck hapless in time. They are catapulted each week to a new adventure in history.
1970 1971 Catweazle Richard Carpenter 11th century wizard accidentally ensorcels his way into the 20th. Humorous mistakes are made.
1970 1971 Timeslip John Cooper Two time traveling children visit both the past and future.
1979 1982 Sapphire & Steel Peter J. Hammond
(dir.s Shaun O'Riordan & David Foster)
Two time traveling inter-dimensional agents protect and guard the order of time in this British drama.
1982 1983 Voyagers! James D. Parriott A member of a league of time travelers and a boy travel through time repairing errors in world history.
1988 1988 Moondial (TV serial) Helen Cresswell After a family tragedy a young girl is transported into the past.
1989 1993 Quantum Leap Donald P. Bellisario Dr. Sam Beckett helped to develop Quantum Leap, a project that would allow a person to time travel back to any point since that person was born. Beckett ended up being the test subject, and while he could remember only certain details, he traded places with a person in the past. Others in the past saw the other person instead of Beckett. In the present, an observer named Al, who Beckett could see as a hologram, gave Beckett advice. This usually involved having Beckett correct some problem in the other person's life.
1990 1991 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures. Animated spin off of the movies Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
1991 1992 Back to the Future: The Animated Series Bob Gale Follows on from Back to the Future III.
1992 1993 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures Live action spin off of the movies Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
1993 1999 Goodnight Sweetheart Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran An accidental time traveller, Gary Sparrow, who leads a double life after discovering a time portal allowing him to travel between 1990s London and wartime London of 1939–1945.
1993 1994 Time Trax Harve Bennett
Jeffrey M. Hayes
Grant Rosenberg
A police officer from the 22nd century makes his way back to our time to track down fugitives from the future.
1997 2007 Stargate: SG-1 Peter DeLuise On their journeys through the Stargate SG-1 experiences timetravel both to the past and future.
1997 1997 Crime Traveller Anthony Horowitz Jeff Slade uses a time machine created by colleague Holly Turner's father to solve crimes. The machine operates seemingly-randomly, sending the user(s) back in time a time that can be a matter of minutes, or several days.
1998 2001 Seven Days Christopher & Zachary Crowe NSA Agent Frank B. Parker can travel back 7 days in a time machine powered by alien technology.
2000 2001 Mirai Sentai Timeranger Four policemen travel from the year 3000 to the year 2000 to arrest fugitives.
2001 2005 Star Trek: Enterprise Various species from the 30th century are having a "Temporal Cold war" that is interfering with life in the 22nd century, which affects the lives of the USS Enterprise (NX-01) and its crew.
2001 2004 Samurai Jack Genndy Tartakovsky An ancient demon throws the hero Samurai Jack into the future, in order to allow himself enough time to conquer the world.
2001 2003 Time Squad Dave Wesson Time cops from the year 1,000,000,000 A.D. travel back in time to keep famous historical figures from diverting the course of history.
2002 2004 Odyssey 5 David Carson Astronauts are sent back in time after witnessing the end of the Earth from space.
2002 2003 Do Over Rick Wiener and Kenny Schwarz Joel Larsen, a 34-year old man, gets a second chance to get his life right, thanks to a freakish accident that catapults him back to 1981, as a 14-year old. He is electrocuted, then wakes up in his teenage body, but with all his adult memories intact. Blessed with adult wisdom, though hampered by adolescent urges, Joel sets out to right the wrongs that will befall his family.
2003 2005 Tru Calling Jon Harmon Feldman A young woman receives request from corpses to stop their untimely deaths and wakes up then the day before, in order to attempt to save them.
2004 2010 Lost Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse Desmond Hume, former Royal Scots Regimen, is caused by electromagnetic radiation to become "unstuck in time." His consciousness switches between 2004 (the present) and 1996. Benjamin Linus, former leader of the island natives, travels ten months into the future after moving the island. In Season 5, the characters on the island skip through time to different periods of the island's past and future.
2004 2009 Stargate: Atlantis Martin Wood Both John Sheppard and Dr. Elizabeth Weir experiences timetravel when dealing with various ancient devices among others the Stargate.
2004 2006 Phil of the Future Tim Maile & Douglas Tuber A family attempts to repair their spaceship after being stranded in the past, or modern day, while maintaining the appearance of being normal people.
2005 2007 Time Warp Trio Peter K. Hirsch A children's cartoon where using books three children travel through time and space.
2006 – Torchwood Russell T Davies
Chris Chibnall
Jane Espenson
John Fay Humans and aliens alike from different periods in time start to come through to our world by means of a rift in the space/time continuum. (Spin-off from Doctor Who.)
2006 2010 Heroes Tim Kring Hiro Nakamura and Peter Petrelli can travel in time and space. This is the foundation for the plot of both series one and series two, in which apocalyptic disasters happen and the characters travel back and forth in an attempt to prevent them.
2006 2007 Life on Mars Matthew Graham
Ashley Pharoah
Tony Jordan
Chris Chibnall A police officer who must learn to adapt to the way things were done in the 70s after being thrown back in time by an accident. (A U.S. version of the series Life on Mars aired in 2008–2009.)
2006 2007 Transformers: Cybertron The Autobot Vector Prime is a defender of spacetime, he saved your friends human using your power over time, did before of destroy them, by Megatron
2007 – Phineas and Ferb Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh In one episode, Phineas and Ferb "fix" an old model of a time machine at a museum which allows them to travel back to the age of the dinosaurs, and eventually back to the future again. In another episode, they used this same time machine again to travel into the future. This time, a much more complicated series of events followed, where their future sister follows them back through time and accidentally disrupts the normal course of various events, setting off a chain reaction that turns the future into a dystopian society.
2007 2011 Primeval Portals to different time periods start opening up and creatures from the past and future start to come through. There are indications that the portals are man-made, but their exact origin is shrouded in mystery.
2007 2008 Kamen Rider Den-O The protagonists must work with and fight creatures known as Imagin who come from a possible future and have come back in time to kill the key figure to the Junction Point: a human whose sole existence ensures that the Imagin's future cannot exist. The Imagin grant wishes to weak-willed humans to travel farther back in time along that person's memories in order to find the Junction Point by destroying anyone and anything in their way to change the future.
2007 2007 Journeyman Kevin Falls
Matt McGuinness
Tom Szentgyorgyi Dan Vasser is the main protagonist of the series, who finds himself jumping through time, unable to stop or control the jumps. Olivia "Livia" Beale is also a traveler from 1948 who jumps into the future. After not being able to jump home, she was stuck in Dan's present and adapted to life there, where she began a legal career and fell in love with Dan, only to finally jump back home while on the plane. For unknown reasons, she now jumps to the same times that Dan visits, and offers him advice and assistance in his missions.
2008 2010 Ashes to Ashes Matthew Graham
Ashley Pharoah
Julie Rutterford
Mark Greig
Jack Lothian Spin off series from "Life on Mars" set in 1980s
2008 2009 Kamen Rider Kiva Parallel storylines taking place in 1986 and 2008 are told, with two of the protagonists from the 2008 timeline going back in time to 1986. The latter time traveler goes back in time to attempt to prevent his birth such that his love may live, but instead ensures that his existence remains by saving his father from being killed by the series' antagonist.
2008 2009 Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles A female Terminator from the year 2027 comes back in time to 1999 to protect a young John Connor. They then use the time displacement equipment to move forward in time by 8 years to hide John. Various other Terminators are sent back in time on varying missions.
2009 – Dinosaur Train Craig Bartlett A T-rex named Buddy travels with his adopted Pteranodon family on the Dinosaur Train. The Dinosaur Train has the ability to visit the entire Mesozoic Era, the “Age of Dinosaurs,” passing through magical Time Tunnels to meet the dinosaurs in the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous time periods.
2009 2009 Paradox (TV series) Lizzie Mickery Detective Inspector Rebecca Flint (Tamzin Outhwaite), Detective Sergeant Ben Holt (Mark Bonnar) and Detective Constable Callum Gada (Chiké Okonkwo) investigate images being broadcast to an eminent astrophysicist Dr Christian King's (Emun Elliott) laboratory, which appear to show catastrophic events in the future.
2009 2011 Being Erica Jana Sinyor Erica Strange begins seeing a counselor to deal with regrets in her life, only to discover the counselor (Michael Riley) has the ability to send her back in time to actually change these events.
2009 2010 FlashForward Brannon Braga and David S. Goyer FBI agent Mark Benford and the rest of the world fall victim to an incident that renders the entire population of Earth unconscious for two minutes seventeen seconds on 6 October 2009. During the "Black Out", as it is called, the consciousness of everyone on the entire planet shifts forward six months into the future to the date 29 April 2010, where they witness their potential futures that could occur that day.
2010 – Mary Shelley's Frankenhole Dino Stamotopolous Dr. Victor Frankenstein has since completely mastered immortality and now has also created an infinite number of Einstein-Rosen Bridge "wormholes" portals or "Frankenholes" between his small Eastern European village (which is teeming with monsters and supernatural forces) and every time period from the past and the future. This allows historical figures and celebrities seeking the doctor's services to find him. Although many classic horror monsters are present, the series' focus is mainly on Dr. Frankenstein and his family.
2011 2011 Hoops & Yoyo Ruin Christmas In a TV special, Hoops and Yoyo accidentally travel through a wormhole and meet Santa Claus when he was still Kris Kringle.
2011 2011 Puella Magi Madoka Magica Gen Urobuchi A mysterious girl named Homura Akemi is revealed to have made a contract with a being known as Kyubei to go back in time and save the titular character.
2011 2011 Terra Nova When Earth is threatened with extinction in 2149, specially selected humans travel back 85 million years in hopes of preventing disaster later. However, they arrive on a parellel version of Earth (This avoids questions around creating a paradox when time-travelling).
2012 – Primeval: New World A Canadian spin-off series to Primeval.
2012 – Continuum (TV series) Canadian science fiction series centres on the conflict between a police officer and a group of rebels from the year 2077 who time-travel to Vancouver, BC in the year 2012.

d4)Viajes en el Tiempo, en Video- Juegos

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time 1991 As the TMNT reach the Technodrome, Shredder sends the m through a time warp through the past (Age of Dinosaurs, a pirate ship in 1530 AD, a train in the American West in 1885 AD) and the future (New York City in 2020 AD and a Star Base in 2100 AD) before they can go back to their present in 1991.
Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle 1993 In order to prevent Purple Tentacle from growing a pair of arms and subsequently enslaving humanity, students Bernard, Laverne and Hoagie attempt to travel one day back in time in Dr. Edison's Chron-o-Johns, time machines housed in portable toilets. During the trip, the machines malfunction and strand Hoagie and Laverne 200 years into the past and future respectively. Players control each character in his/her own time zone (past, present, future), meeting historical figures and progenitors/descendants of some characters; the goal is to return Hoagie and Laverne to the present and prevent Purple Tentacle's world domination.
Chrono Trigger 1995 A group of heroes from different eras travel back and forth through time in an attempt to prevent the end of the world in the year 1999.
Crash Bandicoot: Warped 1998 Crash Bandicoot is sent to various points in time to retrieve relics.
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense 1999 A car combat game and Sequil to Vigilante 8 Time Travel plays a big role in this games storyline. as well as one character "Agent Chase" using a weapon that momentarily freezes time for anything his weapon hits. the future vehicles and time travel systems used in the game appear to be very much inspired by Back to the Future.
TimeSplitters series 2000–2005 At the series' core is the struggle of human beings against the TimeSplitters, a race of aliens that attempt to exterminate humanity by altering its past. The first game in the series took the perspective of several characters fighting off the TimeSplitters in their own eras. The second game added two central protagonists, Sgt. Cortez and Corporal Hart, soldiers from 2401 who traveled to different eras to fight the TimeSplitters. Future Perfect placed a heavier emphasis on a linear story, cinematic cutscenes and character-based humor, and follows Cortez as he teams up with characters against the TimeSplitters and a new, human antagonist, mad scientist Jacob Crow. The ending of Future Perfect implies a definite conclusion to the plot, although a fourth game has been in development hell since 2007.
Shadow of Memories (US: Shadow of Destiny) 2001 The protagonist, Eike Kusch, is murdered at the start of the game by a knife stab on the back. He is saved from death by an unknown entity who gives him a time travel device, called a digipad, that can be used to send Eike back to a pre-determined point in time, allowing him to take actions in order to prevent his death. After being sent back 30 minutes, Eike succeeds in preventing his stabbing, only to find that he is killed in some different manner, starting the time-travel cycle again. During the course of the game, Eike travels to several time periods as far back as medieval times, gradually uncovering the connection behind the attempts on his life, the mysterious being who saves him and his own past. The game features several possible endings, depending on the player's actions and choices that alter the timeline.
Timeshift 2007 Scientists from the near future have begun work on creating a viable time machine. The project results in the creation of two devices, the Alpha Suit, a less advanced prototype jump suit, and the Beta Suit, a more advanced, so-called military grade model with features the Alpha Suit lacks such as combat-related timeshifting abilities and an integrated artificial intelligence to prevent the creation of temporal paradoxes.
The director of the project, Dr. Aiden Krone, takes the Alpha Suit and travels into the past. Once there he alters the timeline, placing himself as the ruler of the Krone Magistrate that controls a dystopic world.
The protagonist, a fellow scientist whose name is never spoken (never mentioned in the game or manual), then takes the Beta Suit and follows Dr. Krone back to the year 1939 (in an alternate timestream) to a place called Alpha District. During the trip parts of the Beta suit are damaged, forcing the protagonist to assist the Occupant Rebellion against Dr. Krone in hopes of salvaging parts from the Alpha suit.
World of Warcraft 2007–present Beginning with the Burning Crusade expansion in 2007, The Caverns of Time hosted dungeons and raids in which players traveled back in time to prevent Azeroth's timeline from being negatively changed. The original 3 dungeons/raids from the Burning Crusade expansion include Escape from Durnholde Keep (level 66+ 5-player dungeon), Opening the Dark Portal (level 68+ 5-player dungeon), and Battle for Mount Hyjal (level 70+ 25-player raid). The Wrath of the Lich King expansion added The Culling of Stratholme (level 80 5-man dungeon). The Cataclysm expansion added End Time (level 85 5-man dungeon), Well of Eternity (level 85 5-man dungeon), Hour of Twilight (level 85 5-man dungeon), and Dragon Soul (level 85 10/25-player raid) as post-release content in its patch 4.3.
Prior to the release of the Burning Crusade expansion, players were able to enter The Caverns of Time through terrain exploits. The caverns at the time were incomplete, having no direct access to the instances which were to be added later on. Anonymous players have stated that their access to the game was temporarily suspended for entering the caverns via terrain exploits.
Many quests are available to players which bring their character's mind and/or body back in time.
Braid 2008 Braid is a platformer art game where the player manipulates time in a variety of creative ways to solve puzzles. Braid's story also deals with the subject of time travel in a way similar to the relationship portrayed in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future JP: 2008, US: 2010 The Third in the Professor Layton series, set between London Present and 10 years later. Layton receives a letter from Luke ten years in the future. and it is connected by a failed time Machine Demonstration and the missing Prime Minister of the UK
Back to the Future: The Game 2010 The game takes place six months after the events of the film Back to the Future Part III and sees Marty McFly, the protagonist of the series, trying to adjust to a life without his best friend, scientist Doctor Emmett "Doc" Brown, whose belongings are being sold off by the bank following his disappearance to an unknown time period. Out of nowhere, an intact duplicate of the destroyed DeLorean time machine appears in front of Marty, and hints and notes inside instruct him to come to Doc's rescue, who is stranded in the year 1931, during the time of Prohibition. The game's series follows the events of Marty and Doc trying to repair hellish timelines created by their past attempts.
Achron 2010 RTS tme travel game – if you lose a skirmish you can travel back to before it happened and avoid or fix it. But so can your opponents. http://www.achrongame.com/site/
Final Fantasy XIII-2 2012 (2011 in Japan) The two characters, Noell Kress and Serah Farron, must travel across time through special gates, unlocked with ornate statues. Their goal is to fix the timeline, which has been disturbed by their antagonist Caius Ballad to instigate the end of time itself.
Steins;Gate 2011 A group of friends accidentally discover that their microwave that they have configured to use a phone acts as a time machine sending text messages through tim

Anexo 6: Difusión Masiva, Via Internet, Realizada por el Comité Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal y sus Derivados

e1) Anuncios clasificados, videos de apoyo y sitios URL utilizados -entre 2010 y 2012- por el Comité Promoto para difundir y retroalimentar, lo mas ampliamente posible, vía la red de redes virtuales (internet), el Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal a los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra

<title>Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal A los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra</title>
<meta name="description" content="Llamado a los libres del mundo para emprender localmente las acciones requeridas para que despues de 2020 la humanidad vea satisfechas sus necesidades reales">
<meta name="keywords" content="prospectiva,escenario,normativa,necesidades humanas,nueva sociedad">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
<meta name="language" content="ES">

Español (anuncio largo)
Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal, Llamado Mundial.- El Comité Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: A los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra, convoca con caracter de urgente y perentorio a las mujeres y los hombres libres del mundo, a emprender aceleradamente (en el término de 8 años) lo necesario para que al llegar 2020 estén sentadas las bases de la nueva sociedad HUMANA del globo terráqueo. Los promotores explicitan las necesidades humanas verdaderas que han de ser el referente último de la nueva sociedad que se construye, las fuerzas que apoyarán ó retrasarán el proceso de cambio y el nodo de los valores meta filosóficos y culturales que sustentan las transformación. Para mas comentarios, favor de ir a nuestro blog (http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx ). Vea el texto completo en http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.html . Se recomienda ir también a Construyendo y Platicando la Nueva Sociedad Mundial, http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html

Español (anuncio corto)
El Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal, busca voluntarios de todo el mundo.- El Comité Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: A los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra, convoca a voluntarios de todo el mundo, para que emprendan localmente todas las acciones concretas necesarias para que al llegar 2020 estén sentadas las bases de la nueva sociedad HUMANA del globo terráqueo. El trabajo voluntario ha de centrarse en las satisfacción de las verdaderas necesidades humanas, pues son el referente último de la nueva sociedad que se construye. Cuenta skype: xgamboa Mas info en http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.html y en http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html

Kvara Manifesto Chetumal, Monda Call. - La Komitato por la Antaŭenigo de Chetumal Manifesto Kvara: Por la Enloĝantoj de Planedo Tero, kunvokita urĝa kaj insista karaktero de virinoj kaj liberaj viroj de la mondo, entrepreni rapide (ene de periodo de 8 jaroj) kiel postulis por 2020 estas atingi la bazoj de la nova homa socio sur la terglobo. Ellaborantoj identigi reala homaj bezonoj, kiu devas esti la fina referenco de la nova socio, kiu estas konstruita, la fortojn kiuj subtenas aŭ prokrasti la procezon de ŝanĝo kaj la celo nodo valoroj kaj kulturaj filozofia consolidación transformo. Pli da informo pri http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.html kaj http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html


Fourth Manifesto of Chetumal, Call to the Free of the World.- The Promotion Committe of the Fourth Manifesto of Chetumal: To the Inhabitants of Planet Earth calls urgently free women and men of the world, to speedily take (within the next 8 years) all necessary actions so that by 2020 the new human society of the earth globe will have the required foundations. Promoters: i)list a core set of real human necessities that are the ultimate reference of the new society that is being constructed, ii)identify the forces that will give impulse or oppose the process of change; and iii)have constructed the paradigm of meta philosophical values that sustain the radical transformation. Full text is provided at http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.html . Talking and constructing the new world society may be seen at http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html Visit our blog in http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx


Quatrième Manifeste de Chetumal, Appel du Monde.- Le comité promoteur du Manifeste Quatrième de Chetumal: Pour les habitants de la planète Terre appelle de toute urgence les femmes et les hommes libres du monde, à prendre rapidement (dans les 8 prochaines années) toutes les mesures nécessaires afin que d'ici jusque 2020 la nouvelle société humaine de la terre monde aura les fondations nécessaires. Promoteurs: i) Ont formulait un ensemble de réels besoins humains qui sont la référence ultime de la nouvelle société qui est en cours de construction, ii) identifier les forces qui donneront l'impulsion ou s'opposer au processus de changement, et iii) ont construit le paradigme de la des valeurs méta philosophiques qui soutiennent la transformation radicale. Plus d'infos sur http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.html et http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html

Arabe Literario:


Chetumal המניפסט רביעית, שיחות העולם - הוועדה לקידום המניפסטChetumal רביעי:. לתושבי כדור הארץ, התכנסה אופי דחוף תקיפה של נשים וגברים חינם של העולם, על עצמו במהירות (בתוך תקופה של 8 שנים) כנדרש על 2020 מגיעים לבסיסי החברה האנושית החדשה על פני הגלובוס. מפתחים לזהות צרכים אנושיים אמיתיים חייבים להיות התייחסות האולטימטיבי של החברה החדשה הבנויה, כוחות התומכים או לעכב את תהליך השינוי ואת הצומת המטרה ערכים הבסיס התרבותי שינוי פילוסופי. מידע נוסף על http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.html ו http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html


Четвертый Четумаль манифест, Всемирный Call - Комитет по развитию Четумаль Манифест Четвертого. Жителям планеты Земля, созванной срочной и императивного характера женщин и свободные люди мира, провести быстро (в течение 8 лет), которые требуются для достижения 2020 года основы нового человеческого общества на Земле. Разработчики определить реальные потребности человека, которые должны быть конечной ведения нового общества, которое построено силами, которые поддерживают или задержать процесс изменения и цель узел ценностей и культурных преобразований философские обоснования. Более подробная информация о http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.html и http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html

Chino Mandarín Tradicional


要求 的促進 Committe的切圖馬爾第四宣言:為了地球上的居民急需免費的婦女和男人的世界,要迅速採取(在未來8年)一切必要的行動,以便到2020年,新的人類社會的地球全球將有必要的基礎。發起人:一)國家真正核心的人類是正在建造的新社會的最終參考必需品,二) 確定力量,這將使衝動或反對的變化過程;iii)構建範式元,維持激進的變革的哲學價值。更多在http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.htmlhttp://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html的信息 


第四宣言チェトゥマル、グローバルコール - 4チェトゥマルマニフェスト推進委員会:地球の住民には、期間内に(急速に着手し、女性と世界の自由な人々の緊急かつ有無を言わせぬ文字を招集8年)2020年に必要に応じて地球上の新たな人間社会の基盤に達している。プロモーター構築されている新しい社会変化の過程と目標ノードの値および文化的な哲学的基盤の変換をサポートするか、または遅らせることが軍の究極の参照でなければなりません明示的に本物の人間のニーズを。多くのレビューでは、私たちのブログ(http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx)をご覧ください。フルテキストhttp://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/4omanif.htmlを参照してください。またhttp://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.htmlで、新世界社会の構築と話すに行くことをお勧めします

Videos de Apoyo, incluídos en algunos anuncios (cuando sitio lo permitió):

http://youtu.be/6BWPlIYIFB0 (Guadalupe Pineda, Todo Cambia)

Lista de Anuncios Clasificados GRATUITOS, promoviendo el Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal a los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra




http://blogspot.com http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.com/2012/07/maya-kan-peel-kuu-yalal-ti-chaktemol.html



















e2) Difusión Socialmente Generalizada, Vía Internet, de Llamados a los Habitantes del Planeta para Confeccionar y Enriquecer la Convención Universal sobre Derechos Inalienables del Ser Humano.

Español, A:

Voluntarios para mejorar Convencion Universal Derechos Inalienables Humano vigente desde 1 de enero de 2020.- El 3 de agosto del 2012, el Comité Promotor, del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: A los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra (http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx), concluyó la formulación del "nucleo duro", de lo que consideran equivale a la Constitución General que regirá a la humanidad del planeta tierra a partir del 1 de enero del 2020. Este nodo constitucional consiste en que todo humano -por el solo hecho de serlo- tiene el derecho, que nada ni nadie le puede quitar o condicionar, a la satisfacción de sus necesidades verdaderas. De ahi su nombre: Convención Universal de los Derechos Inalienables del Ser Humano ( http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/comunidaddel-genero-humano.html ). El consenso ó convención asi concebida, por su importancia, constituye la amalgama básica (la ligazón, el pegamento, lo que le dá unidad) de la Comunidad del Genero Humano. En otro orden de ideas: en el ejercicio mundial de prospectiva normativa, participativa, que el Comite Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal realiza continuamente desde el 16 de julio del 2010, la Convención Universal de los Derechos Inalienables del Ser Humano constituye EL escenario del futuro DESEABLE, ubicado precisamente en el primer minuto, de la primer hora, del primer día, del año 2020. Tener a la mano, ahora, la Convención Universal de los Derechos Inalienables del Ser Humano, permite que la humanidad actualmente en transformación cuente con el equivalente al "Norte" de la brújula; es decir, la Convención le dá rumbo fino, al proceso de construir aceleradamente -durante 2010-2019- los cimientos de la nueva humanidad. Por lo anterior, hace un llamado a voluntarios de todo del mundo, para dar luces y conocimientos a los integrantes del Comité Promotor, sobre cómo operacionalizar el contenido de esta Convención. Asimismo, invita a emitir opiniones y críticas sobre los alcances y contenidos del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal en su conjunto. Y, claro, convoca a coadyuvar para que exista una efectiva apropiación social, a nivel planetario, del consenso y a remitir informacion sobre avances al Observatorio Ciudadano de Politica e Ideologia OCPI (http://www.galeon.com/xgamboa/4manif/consocpi.html).

Español, B:

Convencion Universal de los Derechos Inalienables del Ser Humano, requiere voluntarios .- El Comité Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: a los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra, llama a voluntarios de todo el mundo. Su tarea incluye operacionalizar, detallar, aclarar, mejor, aplicar, evaluar y retroalimentar al Consenso Universal sobre Derechos Inalienables del Ser Humano ( http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/comunidaddel-genero-humano.html). La Convención quedó formalada el 3 de agosto del 2012. Está programada para tener plena vigencia a partir del 1 de enero del 2020. convention is scheduled to be in force as of January 1, 2020. Este nucleo de normas sociales básicas, conforman al escenario deseable de la nueva humanidad, que florerecerá a partir del primer minuto, de la primera hora, del primer mes del año 2020, luego de mas de 9 años de intensa y acelerada transformación de fondo, en todos los órdenes, de la vida planetaria. Con la Tercer década del Siglo XXI, empezará, así, la verdadera humanidad: revitalizada y regenerada a partir de la fermentación anterior. El trabajo voluntario in extenso, es una condición de necesidad para lo anterior.

Español, C:

El Comité Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: a los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra, llama a voluntarios de todo el mundo, para afinar el contenido de la recién formulada Convención Universal de los Derechos Inalienables del Ser Humano. Este consenso de normas básicas para la vida humana comunitaria - bajo condiciones de igualdad, en libertad, con felicidad y gozando de prosperidad- reflejarán la realidad mundial, a partir del 1 de enero del 2020.

Inglés, A:

Universal Convention on Human Inalienable Rights needs volunteers .- The promotion Committee of The Fourth Manifesto of Chetumal: to the Inhabitantes of Planet Earth, calls volunteers of all the world. Tasks include operationalization, detailing, clearing, bettering, application, assessment and feed back of the content of the Universal Convention on Human Inalienable Rights (http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/comunidaddel-genero-humano.html). Originally formulated August 3, 2012, the convention is scheduled to be in force as of January 1, 2020. This nucleus of basic norms conform the desirable scenario of new mankind, that will flourish starting the first minute, of the first hour, of the first month of the year 2020, after more than 9 years of intense and accelerated profound transformation, in all orders, of planetary life. With the third decade of the XXI century, real humanity will thus initiate: revitalized and regenerated by preceeding fermentation. Voluntary work in full extent, is a condition of necessity: without it, the above stated scenario will merely be another reality-disconnected utopia.

Videos de Apoyo, Incluídos en Avisos de Ocasión que lo Permitían:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Ul4dprTXg (Ancient Mayan Music Tsompantli)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h018rMnA0pM (The Magic Flute, Overture, Mozart )

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tqbv9cPyBfs&feature=related (Antonio Vivaldi "La Stravaganza" Concerto No.2 RV.279)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CXi4bCcpWw (Rythm of the Tides, New Age Music)

Lista de Anuncios Clasificados Montados en Internet














e3) Avisos de Ocasión por Internet, de Consulta Abierta y Gratuita, que Desplegó el Comité Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal, para Difundir llamados a Actuar, ya, entre 2010 y 2020, Conforme al Consenso sobre la Humanidad

Español, A:

Voluntarios para Construir Escenario Deseable Humanidad, en Año 3000.- Las respuestas 2010-2012 a nuestro llamado mundial, permitieron elaborar el Consenso sobre la Humanidad del Tercer Milenio: Normas para Planeta Tierra y Universo. Es una suerte de constitución mundial, no vinculativa, que deberá tener plena vigencia a partir del 1 de enero del 2020. Llamamos a voluntarios para que nos apoyen, en la tarea siguiente: construir un escenario de la humanidad al 31 de diciembre del 2999, bajo el supuesto de que la arriba mencionada constitución efectivamente sea vigente a partir del 2020. En otras palabras, los voluntarios nos ayudarán a responder a la interrogante: ¿Cómo será la humanidad al iniciar el año 3000, si efectivamente entra en vigor el Consenso sobre la Humanidad del Tercer Milenio? Nótese que se trata de un trabajo SIN PAGA ALGUNA, que se desarrollará, si asi lo desea el interesado, en su lugar de residencia actual.

Español, B:

Capacitadores en normas consensuales para la Humanidad del Tercer Milenio.- El voluntariado participante tendrá a su cargo la identificación, capacitación y apoyo de personas de sus localidades que se interesen en apropiarse (hacer suya), aplicar y dar seguimiento a la normatividad mundial que implica el Consenso sobre la Humanidad del Tercer Milenio: Normas para el Planeta Tierra y el Universo. ( http://consensohumanidad.blogspot.com/2012/08/texto-completo-del-consenso-sobre-la.html ). Vertientes de la capacitación: a)El Consenso y la historia 1980-2012 del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: a los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra (Considerandos 1º a 24º); b)Contenido y alcance de las tres grandes categorías de derechos inalienables establecidos para garantizar la satisfacción de las verdaderas necesidades del ser humano a partir del 1 de enero del 2020 (Capítulo 1); c)Descripción, interpretación e impacto de las 20 características que, del 2020 en adelante, tendrá la vida en sociedad comunitaria del género humano (Capítulo 2). d)Objetivos estratégicos 2010-2019 para que la humanidad llegue al 2020 suficientemente transformada (Década de transición, http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/cambioacelerado-2010-2020-con.html ); e)Fuerzas impulsoras y retardatarias del cambio de raíz del género humano. Interesados deberán hacerlo saber en la sección de comentarios del blog del Conseso, sito en http://consensohumanidad.blogspot.com/2012/08/texto-completo-del-consenso-sobre-la.html , a la atención del Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca y poniendo como asunto: "voluntario capacitacion".

Inglés, A:

Trainers on consensual norms for third millenium humanity.- Volunteers will identify, train and support persons in their communities willing to implement and follow the global normativity that is implied in the Consensus of Third Millenium Humanity: Norms for Planet Earth and the Universe. ( http://consensohumanidad.blogspot.com/2012/08/texto-completo-del-consenso-sobre-la.html ). Training fields are five: a)1980-2012 history of Consensus and Fourth Manifesto of Chetumal: to Planet Earth Inhabitants (1st to 24rd of the whereas); b)Content and limits of the three main cathegories of inalienable rights that guarantee satisfaction of real human being necessities as of January 1 2020 (Chapter 1); c)Description, interpretation and impact of the 20 characteristics that the human gender will have, coming 2020 (Chapter 2); d)Strategic 2010-2019 goals that, if attained, will allow for a sufficiently transformed humanity upon arrival of 2020 (Transition Decade, http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/cambioacelerado-2010-2020-con.html); Favorable and opossing forces to profound human gender change. In case of interest, please address message to Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca , with subject: "voluntary training for consensus norms", in the comments section of our Consensus Blog ( http://consensohumanidad.blogspot.com/2012/08/texto-completo-del-consenso-sobre-la.html ).

Videos de Apoyo Incluidos en los Anuncios Clasificados, Cuando el Sitio URL lo Permitía:

http://youtu.be/PLQiPQhG8O4 (planeta igual a la tierra)

Lista de Avisos de Ocasión Desplegados

sutuqroo unionuqroo,luego cociqroo)

sutuqroo unionuqroo


e4) Campaña dirigida al Gran Público, vía Internet, sobre Existencia y Necesario Enriquecimiento, del Consenso sobre la Humanidad del Tercer Milenio

Español, A (In Extenso):

Humanidad comunitaria a partir del 2020, segun lo Acordado en Chetumal. Tendrá al menos 19 caracteristicas específicas. Académicos y voluntarios convocan a actuar desde ahora, para hacerlo posible.
Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México.18 de agosto del 2012. - A partir del 1 de enero del 2020 será comunitaria y cooperativa la vida individual y colectiva de la humanidad, en el planeta tierra y en el universo al que pertenece, con plena satisfacción de sus verdaderas necesidades humanas y a partir de organizaciones y asociaciones construídas desde sus cimientos durante la presente década. Lo anterior es el planteamiento genérico, del Acuerdo Universal sobre la Sociedad de la Humanidad. El documento fue aprobado anoche, en sesión de teleconferencia del Comité Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: a los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra 4MC, que fue moderada desde las instalaciones del Centro de Estudios de Problemas de Coyuntura, Previsión y Prospectiva AC CEPROS, en esta ciudad del Caribe Mexicano.
El documento, analizado y discutido a lo largo de mas de cuatro horas, fue formulado y presentado por el Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca, en tanto coordinador de la subcomisión integradora de 376 opiniones que voluntarios de todo el mundo remitieron al Observatrorio Ciudadano de Política e Ideología OCPI en el transcurso de los dos ultimos años. Se establece, además, que la vida comunitaria, cooperativa y solidaria del género humano dentro de 8 años, sera “sustentada por todas las fuerzas económicas, políticas e ideológicas del mundo; incluso por aquellas que antes del 2010 se oponían a la satisfacción –con alta calidad, equidad y proporcionalidad en los recursos aplicados- de las necesidades humanas elementales (de tierra, aire, agua, alimento, salud, educación, auto determinación mental, vivienda, vestido, entre otros).
El profesor Gamboa Villafranca explica que otras 19 características de la sociedad humana a partir del 2020, son incluidas en el Acuerdo Universal sobre la Vida Comunitaria de la Humanidad. Menciona algunas de ellas. Estructuras sociales totalmente nuevas, harán posible cadenas productivas innovadas en su esencia y garantizaránn la continuidad histórica, “como medio para el progreso ininterrumpido de la humanidad”. La tenencia social de la tierra habra sido rescatada. Se habrá “revertido la expoliación que durante tres mil años practicaron las plutocracias y oligarquías del planeta.” Cada ser humano habrá “retomado efectivamente su calidad, digna y esencial, de productor y labrador que le pertenece al planeta tierra”.
La creatividad e inventiva individual para producir bienes y servicios necesarios –tangibles e intangibles- estará en la base de sistemas basados en el trabajo colectivo comunitariamente responsable a escala local, global y universal. Será vigente un pensamiento social que refleja los avances hacia el progreso integral y la justicia social del género humano. La satisfacción efectiva de las necesidades humanas estará garantizada por un marco jurídico simple, adoptado por acuerdo, consenso, convención y conciliación. “Todos los habitantes del mundo gozarán de una educación comunitariamente responsable que es el medio para garantizar la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas”. El ser humano tendrá irrestricta libertad para accesar al conocimiento científico de frontera, y “para apropiarse de él, innovarlo y aplicarlo en beneficio universal, planetario, comunitario y de sí mísmo.” Los alimentos y bebidas que se consuman, serán “productos naturales cuyas cualidades tienen impacto positivo sobre el desarrollo de la salud individual y pública, tanto en términos mentales como fisiológicos del ser humano.”
La energía mental del ser humano se habrá incorporado sin cortapisas a la producción y será un importante factor, para que “individuos y colectividades del planeta tierra tengan progresivamente satisfechas sus necesidades físico-intelectuales, en el contexto del universo de que forman parte indisoluble.” Los medios de comunicación colectiva serán comunitarios, en tanto entes que INFORMAN (identifican, describen, caracterizan) a la humanidad sobre hechos y eventos a nivel local y global; realizan genuina y objetiva investigación; y, en la comunidad planetaria, coadyuvan en el ejercicio de la función de educar a lo largo de los lineamientos del Consenso de la Humanidad Terráquea y Universal del Tercer Milenio.”
Habrá desaparecido -por estar proscrito- el flujo interancional de capitales, en tanto mecanismo pretéritamente usado para el control y robo de los pueblos, asi como el tributo de localidades y asociaciones a plutocracias y oligarquías del planeta tierra. En el globo terráqueo existirán las localidades que hayan decidido sus respectivas colectividades humanas, por corresponder a su identidad individual y colectiva. El asentamiento, traslado y movilización de todo ser humano se realiza -dentro y fuera del planeta tierra-, con total libertad. El transporte y arraigo extraplanetario –de personas, seres y bienes- será una actividad comunitaria del género humano en su conjunto, totalmente desvinculada de fines de lucro de indivudos o grupos. Texto completo del VICH en http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/acuerdouniversal-sobre-la-sociedad.html
(Boletín de prensa del Comité Promotor del Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: a los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra manifietochetumal@gmail.com)

Español, B (Largo):

A partir del 2020, la humanidad será comunitaria y solidaria: Acuerdo de Chetumal.- Según el Acuerdo Universal sobre la Vida Comunitaria de la Humanidad VICH, el 1 de enero del 2020, en el planeta tierra y en el universo al que pertenece el género humano, sus necesidades verdaderás serán plenamente sasisfechas por organizaciones sociales y cadenas productivas construídas desde sus cimientos durante la presente décadas, apoyadas por todas las fuerzas económicas, políticas e ideológicas del mundo. El documento, aprobado el 16 de agosto del 2012, contiene un auerdo genérico y 19 acuerdo específicos. Entre éstos, mandata que la tenencia social de la tierra habra sido rescatada y cada ser humano habrá “retomado efectivamente su calidad, digna y esencial, de productor y labrador que le pertenece al planeta tierra”. La creatividad e inventiva individual para producir bienes y servicios necesarios –tangibles e intangibles- estará en la base de sistemas basados en el trabajo colectivo comunitariamente responsable a escala local, global y universal. Será vigente un pensamiento social que refleja los avances hacia el progreso integral y la justicia social del género humano. La satisfacción efectiva de las necesidades humanas estará garantizada por un marco jurídico simple, adoptado por concertación y conciliación. “Todos los habitantes del mundo gozarán de una educación comunitariamente responsable que es el medio para garantizar la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas”. El ser humano tendrá irrestricta libertad para accesar al conocimiento científico de frontera, y “para apropiarse de él, innovarlo y aplicarlo en beneficio universal, planetario, comunitario y de sí mísmo.” Los alimentos y bebidas que se consuman, serán “productos naturales cuyas cualidades tienen impacto positivo sobre el desarrollo de la salud individual y pública, tanto en términos mentales como fisiológicos del ser humano.” Una proporción significativa de la energía mental del ser humano se habrá movilizado y se estará aprovechando para que “individuos y colectividades del planeta tierra tengan progresivamente satisfechas sus necesidades físico-intelectuales, en el contexto del universo de que forman parte indisoluble.” Los medios de comunicación colectiva serán comunitarios e INFORMARAN (identifican, describen, caracterizan) a la humanidad sobre hechos y eventos a nivel local y global; realizan genuina y objetiva investigación; y, en la comunidad planetaria, coadyuvan en el ejercicio de la función de educar a lo largo de los lineamientos del Consenso de la Humanidad Terráquea y Universal del Tercer Milenio.” Habrá desaparecido -por estar proscrito- el flujo interancional de capitales, en tanto mecanismo pretéritamente usado para el control y robo de los pueblos, asi como el tributo de localidades y asociaciones a plutocracias y oligarquías del planeta tierra. En el globo terráqueo existirán las localidades que hayan decidido sus respectivas colectividades humanas, por corresponder a su identidad individual y colectiva. El asentamiento, traslado y movilización de todo ser humano se realiza -dentro y fuera del planeta tierra-, con total libertad. El transporte y arraigo extraplanetario –de personas, seres y bienes- será una actividad comunitaria del género humano en su conjunto, totalmente desvinculada de fines de lucro de indivudos o grupos. Texto completo del VICH en http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/acuerdouniversal-sobre-la-sociedad.html

Español, C (Corto):
Llamado a monitores del Acuerdo sobre Vida Comunitaria de la Humanidad.- Se requieren voluntarios que den seguimiento a la aplicación 2012-2020 del Acuerdo Universal sobre la Vida Comunitaria de la Humanidad, aprobado el 16 de agosto del 2012 por el Cuarto Manifiesto de Chetumal: a los Habitantes del Planeta Tierra 4MC). Establece que a partir del 1 de enero del 2020 será comunitaria y cooperativa la vida individual y colectiva de la humanidad, en el planeta tierra y en el universo al que pertenece, con plena satisfacción de sus verdaderas necesidades humanas y a partir de organizaciones y asociaciones construídas desde sus cimientos durante la década anterior. En su zona de trabajo, el voluntariado reportará al Comité Promotor del 4MC sobre los cimientos que localmente se van construyendo en cumplimiento, tanto del acuerdo genérico, como de los 19 acuerdos específicos de que consta el documento. Texto completo del VICH en http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/acuerdouniversal-sobre-la-sociedad.html Contacto: Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca, coordinador, comité promotor 4MC, Observatorio Ciudadano de Política e Ideología, Divisón de Estudios Prospectivos, CEPROS AC. skype xgamboa.

Inglés, A:

Volunteers to Monitor Foundations of Mankind Communitarian Life- Volunteers are needed to follow 2012 - 2020 local application of the Universal Agreement as to Communitarian Life of Humanity VICH (approved August 16 2012 by the Fourth Manifiesto of Chetumal: to the Inhabitants of Planet Earth 4MC). Document states that as of Junuary 1, 2020, humanity's individual and collective life will be communitarian, in planet earth and in the universe of which it is part of, with full satisfaction of real human needs resulting from organizations and associations with foundations constructred during the preceeding decade. In a predefined territory, each voluntary monitor will report to 4MC Promotion Committee, pertaining local advancements made in fullfillment, both of the document's general agreement, or as to its 19 specific agreements. Full text of VICH may be seen ast http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/acuerdouniversal-sobre-la-sociedad.html Contact: Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca, coordinador, comité promotor 4MC, Observatorio Ciudadano de Política e Ideología, División de Estudios Prospectivos, CEPROS AC. skype xgamboa.

Videos de Apoyo, También Montados en Sitios Internet Permisivos de ello.

http://youtu.be/nyfkTyiTxuA Ecotecnologias (Brasil)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnD4d6Tg1xM (Que ser, sera, Doris Day, varios idiomas, con letra)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ele0YU-hH7A (Blowing in the wind, Trini Lopez, con letra)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHrB4QWKscc (Blowing in the wind, Joan Baez, con letra)

Lista de Anuncios Clasificados Montados en Internet.

sutuqroo unionuqroo,luego cociqroo)


e5)Divulgación generalizada, en línea, del futuro deseable de la humanidad en el 3000, luego de 980 años de vigencia del Consenso sobre la Humanidad.

Nivel de vigencia, al 31/diciembre/2999, de la primer parte (derechos inalienables del SER humano) de la Convención sobre la Humanidad del Tercer Milenio...

Nivel de Vigencia, al 31/diciembre/2999, del Acuerdo Universal sobre la Sociedad Humana y de la segunda parte de la Convención sobre la Humanidad del Tercer Milenio en el Planeta Tierra y el Universo.
Elaboró: Xavier Gamboa Villafranca, 18 de agosto del 2013

Dado en Chetumal, Caribe mexicano, Mesoamerica, el 18 de agosto del 2013, al cumplirse 5 años de emancipación con respecto a la burocracia universitaria de Quintana Roo. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca.

Nota:  Vaya a la portada e indice del libro sobre la humanidad resurrecta 
Vaya al  Texto completo del libro, en PDF